More than a dozen public charter schools will offer enrichment, credit recovery and summer bridge programming (for new students) this summer. Washington Math and Science Tech PCS’ will provide a free STEM academic enrichment program to students in 9th grade. The program is open to all students in the city.
For presently enrolled students, Briya will have summer school from July 6 to July 22nd.
AppleTree will offer summer school programming from June 14-July 1st, but it is only open to current students.
Summer School at Maya Angelou Public Charter will occur from June 27, 2016 to August 5, 2016. Students will attend class from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. For MAPCS students only.
Somerset Prep DC will have a 4-6 week summer school program. We are currently waiting for approval of the adjusted schedule due to school closing snow days. I can give you the exact months and weeks at a later date. Free and for Somerset students only.
IDEA will have summer school for credit recovery and an orientation/summer bridge program for incoming students (mostly rising 9th graders). IDEA is also a host site for the DC Summer Jobs (SYEP) program.
We offer DC History, Government, Music, Art, Health, Computer Programming, Typing, English and Math for Washington Latin students only.
Imagine Hope Lamond will be offering 2 programs to scholars: An academic summer school for students currently enrolled in grades K-5. The dates are June 20-July 15. The times will be 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. It is FREE to scholars. An academic and enrichment summer camp for scholars currently enrolled in grades Pk3 - 5. The dates are June 20-July 15. The times will be 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. The cost is $480 for the entire 4 week camp. The cost includes breakfast, lunch, and all field trips & activities.
Imagine Hope Tolson: We will be offering an academic summer school for students currently enrolled in grades K-7. The dates are June 20-July 15. The times will be 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. It is FREE to scholars.
LAYC Career Academy operates on a year round schedule. We offer two sessions during our third trimester, which overlaps with summer. The first is 4/27-6/24 and the second is 7/5-8/10.
Two Rivers will be offering summer school from July 5-29 for Two Rivers students who are in need of remediation in grades 1-7.
For Center City PCS, June 27-July 15, Shaw, Capitol Hill, Congress Heights, 8:30am to 6pm, only for center city students
Inspired Teaching Demonstration Public Charter school provides extended school year services for students with disabilities who have met OSSE and IDEA ESY criteria. It is free and for Inspired Teaching students only.
Washington Math and Science Tech offers Core subjects including English, Math, Social studies and foreign language. We also offer Summer Transition Enrichment Program to 9th graders with emphasis on STEM. This bridges the gap between middle School and High School Science Courses. Summer School enables our students to close academic achievement gaps and improve graduation rates. Added to this, low income families who cannot afford expensive private summer institutions are able to provide their kids with summer education and employment. Our students who attend Summer School have the chance to improve their grades and are better equipped academically for the following semester. It is free and open to all students in the city.
Creative Minds International is offering ESY and Summer School services with before and aftercare. The program will run from July 5- July 29. Hours are between 9-3:30. Children can be dropped off at 8:15 for before care and breakfast and have to be picked up by 6 if they are in aftercare. Only for Creative Minds.
Next Step PCS has a year-round program, with their second semester continuing throughout the summer.
Root PCS will be offering our students free summer school from June 27 through August 19th from 7am-6pm. Roots Activity Learning Center offers its annual Summer School/Camp to all school age children 1st-5th grades from June 27 through August 19th from 7am-6pm. For the low fee of $ 150 week. ALC is open to all students plus they accept DHS vouchers.
Mary McLeod Bethune Day Academy PCS (MMBDA) will have summer school for students attending MMBDA in SY 2016-17. July 5, 2016 thru July 29, 2016, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Prek3 thru grade 8.
Richard Wright's Summer School Program will take place June 27- Aug 5 from 8:00a.m. until 1:00p.m. Only for Richard Wright students.
View DC summer programming options.