2015 Financial Audit Review
May 27, 2016
Each year, an independent audit is conducted to assess the financial health of DC's public charter schools. A report is written for each individual public charter school, then those reports are combined to give a broader picture of the financial health of the charter sector across the District.
View the 2015 Financial Audit Review here.
Below is a list of data tables found within the report available for download:
- Combined Statement of Cash Flows
- Philanthropic Revenue by School
- Net Asset Position by School
- Combined Statement Financial Position
- Cash, Assets, Liabilities by School
- Combined Statement of Functional Expenses
- Management Organizations
- Combined FY2015 Financial Report Card
- Distribution of Expenses by School
- Revenue and Expenses by School
- Summary of Long-Term Debt
- Combined Statement of Activities
- Cash Position and Future Debt by School
- Sources of Revenue by School