Budget Support Act of 2016
Sponsor(s): Councilmember Mendelson on behalf of Mayor Bowser
Status: Passed, under Congressional Review
Date Introduced: 3/24/2016
Hearing Date: N/A
- Overall increase of $46 million to public charter schools as a result of increased enrollment as well as the opening of four new public charter schools.
- UPSFF level is set at $9,682 (2% increase in the Uniform Per-Student Funding formula over FY2015 level of $9,492)
- Facilities funding is set at $3,124 (0% increase over FY2015 level of $3, 124)
- DCPS teacher retirement allocation set at $56,781,000
- Allocates for the Department of General Services service to DCPS was $27,224,000
- Invests $220 million more funding for public school modernization in 2017 and 2018
- Provides $8.6 million in enhancements for the State Education Office for services such as infant and toddler care, illiteracy programs, and data and tracking service.
The below links reference specific parts of the budget.
Executive Summary: References 2% increase in funding formula on page 232 and to public charter schools on 243, 249, 255, 259.
Agency budgets Part 1: References to school programming on page 334 (Commission on Arts and Humanities), 309, and 388 (MPD)
Agency budgets Part 2: Includes DCPS budget. Charter references on pages 325, 333, 339- 346, 361, 363, 443, 448, 465, and 468
Agency budgets Part 3: (DOH/DDOT) Charter references on page 86, 104, 220
Operating Appendices: Charter references on pages 618, 621, 641, 644, 646, 647 – 651, 667 – 672 of the PDF
Capital budget: For those interested in DCPS capital projects there are numerous items listed.
Agency Performance Plans:
Charter references on pages 12, 19 -22, 27
School references on pages 4, 11, 30, 57, 58
Dept of Human Services Performance Plan
CFSA/DBH/DOH//OHR school program and data references on pages 6, 13, 16, 17, 22, 25,26, 39, 53,58