Childhood Lead Exposure Prevention Amendment Act of 2017
July 12, 2016
Childhood Lead Exposure Prevention Amendment Act of 2017
Sponsor(s): Councilmembers Grosso and May
Status: Referred to Committee on Transportation and the Environment and Committee on Education
Date Introduced: 7/12/16
Hearing Date: 10/6/16
- Requires the environmental programs office in the Department of General Services and child development facilities to identify water sources in District public and charter schools and child developmental facilities
- Install and maintain lead filters; test drinking sources; take remedial actions when necessary; and publish results of environmental testing and remediation efforts within 5 business days of receiving test results or taking remedial action
- The bill establishes a fund, the Healthy Child Development Facilities Fund, to provide financial assistance to a child development facility if complying with the bill would create an undue financial hardship on the child development facility.