Confirmation Hearing Testimony of Rick Cruz
Good afternoon Chairman Grosso and members of the Committee. My name is Rick Cruz and I am honored to be here today to discuss my nomination to another term. I would like to begin by thanking Mayor Bowser for re-nominating me to one of the most rewarding positions I have held and allowing me to continue serving my city by working to improve education for the young people of DC.
I have been a resident of the District of Columbia for 23 years and have been interested in education since I myself was a student. My goal during the past three years serving on this Board has been to increase the quality options available to DC families and by doing so ensure that all students—especially our most vulnerable—have opportunities to grow, discover the joys and rewards of learning and embark upon productive lives. While there is still much to do, I believe that together we have made good progress toward that goal.
Over the last three years, we have seen test scores across subgroups increase, enrollment climb annually, suspensions and expulsions continue to fall, in-seat attendance remain steady and most importantly, more students are attending Tier 1 schools than ever before.
As a Board member, I have taken very seriously the charge to solicit feedback and to be in the community. I frequently visit schools, making sure to listen to school leaders, to parents and to students. Through these conversations, I have been prepared to make informed decisions and get a sense of the needs of the schools and the surrounding community. As a former school leader, I know firsthand just how important it is to have parent feedback. Without it, schools simply cannot realize their potential. One indicator of that satisfaction is waitlist data, numbers that continue to climb year after year across the sector. The thousands of students signed up to attend a public charter school suggests to me that our public charter sector is providing options DC families want.
As you know, the DC Public Charter School Board continues to be a nationally recognized authorizer. We have made great strides in improving the quality of education across the city, but there remains work ahead of us. We need to do a better job in closing the achievement gaps that persist in our city, in addressing the needs of students with disabilities and of our English language learners, and we must continuously seek to discover innovative solutions to both the academic and social and emotional challenges facing our students. Across the next four years, though there will be many challenges, I know my fellow Board members and I will meet those challenges with purpose and conviction. Along the way new schools will open, some will expand, and some will have to close, but I know that the public charter sector will grow stronger and, most importantly, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of students who deserve a fair shot at a great education.
I thank you for the opportunity to testify today and am happy to answer any questions.