We recognize the importance of engaging with our education partners, and prioritizing these relationships in our work, especially as we roll out our Strategic Roadmap over the next three years. Engaged groups like our Parent and Alumni Leadership Council (PALC) and Parents Amplifying Voices in Education (PAVE) provide us with invaluable feedback and recommendations on our initiatives and regularly represent our schools at community meetings and events.
Our vision is to ensure each student receives a quality education that makes them feel valued and prepares them for lifelong learning, fulfilling careers and economic security. To be successful, we need the collaboration and dedication of parents and guardians in our community. We know that with distance learning measures in place for the past several months, families have taken on larger roles with their children’s education than ever before. Now that we have returned to the classroom, how can we make sure we keep families involved?
This National Parental Involvement Day (November 18), we are asking public charter school parents and guardians in our community to take the pledge to become a #DCCharterProudParent. Here are some ways to get more involved!
Get to know the school community
Engage more directly with teachers, administrators, and staff, take the time to speak to local elected officials or even spend time with other school families. Building and nurturing these relationships with your school community helps keep you connected and invested in the success of our students.
Volunteer time
Administrators, teachers, and staff can’t do it alone. Consider volunteering your time at school events, getting involved with your parent group (e.g., PTA), or even joining a special subcommittee (like our PALC or PAVE).
Provide feedback
Strengthening dialogue between families and schools helps create a shared understanding of our work to provide students with a quality education. Schools need to hear from parents and guardians, so they know the most effective ways to communicate and engage with them, and ultimately work toward improving outcomes for our students. Consider completing any surveys that are shared with you, submitting public comments on proposed policies, or even participating in DC PCSB’s monthly public board meetings.
Stay informed
There are many ways to keep up to date with what your schools and DC PCSB are doing. Join our mailing list, sign up for weekly updates from our Wednesday Bulletin, and follow us on social media for the most up-to-date news and information. DC PCSB is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube!