DC Prep's Edgewood Elementary Campus Named 2013 National Blue Ribbon School
Years of hard work have paid off for DC Prep's Edgewood Elementary Campus (EEC) – one of two DC schools announced today as winners of the 2013 National Blue Ribbon Award. Among the 286 National Blue Ribbon winners, EEC was the only public school – traditional or charter – selected from the nation’s capital.
“I am thrilled to accept this prestigious award on behalf of the entire Edgewood Elementary Campus team of dedicated, talented teachers and school leaders,” said Nicole Bryan, who served as Principal of EEC from 2010-2013 before transitioning to a role in the DC Prep Home Office as Managing Director for Early Childhood. “Our entire campus community should celebrate their accomplishments in the classroom.”
National Blue Ribbon School nominees are selected in one of two criteria tied directly to student performance: “Exemplary High Performing” (among their state’s highest-performing schools on statewide assessments) and “Exemplary Improving” (schools with, at a minimum, 40% of students from disadvantaged backgrounds showing progress in achievement on statewide assessments). Nominated by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, EEC was selected for its exemplary student performance and record of student achievement as an “Exemplary High Performing” school.
"Excellence in education matters and we should honor the schools that are leading the way to prepare students for success in college and careers," said Secretary Duncan. "National Blue Ribbon schools represent examples of educational excellence, and their work reflects the belief that every child in America deserves a world-class education."
DC Prep will be honored along with fellow 2013 cohort schools at a ceremony on November 18-19 at the Department of Education.
To download the full press release, click here.
One of two DC schools awarded the honor