D.C. Public Charter School Board Launches New Website
News Release
3333 14th Street, N.W., Suite 210
Washington, DC 20010
Phone: 202-328-2660
For Immediate Release: September 14, 2009
Contact: Audrey Williams 202-328-2748
Washington, D.C. – The D.C. Public Charter School Board (PCSB) today launched a new more user-friendly website as part of its ongoing effort to engage community members, parents, students and other stakeholders interested in D.C.’s public charter school sector. New website features include:
easy-to-find information about the PCSB, its function, decisions and accountability;
an interactive Student page where charter school students may post videos, news and events and comments about their school programs;
a Parent and Community Member page with school search, performance and accountability, enrollment procedures, community events hosted by the PCSB and opportunities to give their input;
a Charter School Leaders section, with information and resources for current and prospective school leaders;
a Data Center with constantly-updating information and statistics about a wide of array of charter-school related topics; and,
opportunities to subscribe to email updates about specific sections of the site.
The new website will be continuously updated and visitors are encouraged to offer feedback and suggestions to PCSB staff to improve the site. Check out the website: www.dcpubliccharter.com
The D.C. Public Charter School Board currently oversees 57 public charter schools on 99 campuses, serving approximately 28,000 students living in every ward of the city.