The School Reform Act (SRA) requires that DC PCSB revoke the charter of any public charter school that (1) has engaged in a pattern of nonadherence to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP); (2) has engaged in a pattern of fiscal mismanagement; and/or (3) is no longer economically viable. Further, each DC public charter school is required to conduct annually a thorough audit of its finances and operations. Schools must choose a third-party auditor from a list of auditors approved by DC PCSB, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). DC PCSB, with support and counsel from OCFO and OSSE, analyzes and summarizes the information in these audits to produce the Financial Analysis Report (FAR), which presents consistent and transparent information about DC public charter schools’ finances and operations.