Financial Monitoring List & Citations of Fiscal Concern
At DC PCSB, we are committed to maintaining rigorous financial oversight to ensure the sustainability and accountability of public charter schools.
Financial Monitoring List
The Financial Monitoring List is DC PCSB's first step to track public charter local education agencies (more commonly referred to as LEAs) showing financial instability. LEAs are placed on this list for factors such as, but not limited to, low cash reserves, poor cash flow margins, high debt ratios, enrollment decreases, or other financial concerns.
View the list of LEAs on the Financial Monitoring List. If an LEA has been issued a Financial Corrective Action Plan (or FCAP), the plan approved by the board and the date it was approved is linked below and available on the School's Profile Page on our website.
Navigating Financial Oversight: A School’s Journey on the Financial Monitoring List
The Financial Monitoring List is the first escalation step taken by DC PCSB to track public charter LEAs that show signs of financial instability. Public charter LEAs are placed on this Monitoring List for a combination of factors like low cash reserves, high debt ratios, or issues with budget management.
The Citations of Fiscal Concern list includes formal citations issued to LEAs for various issues, such as material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, large variances, consistently late submissions, or instances of fraud or theft. The issuance of these citations strengthens LEAs' accountability, enhances financial oversight, and improves the timeliness and transparency of our monitoring efforts. We monitor the remediation of these fiscal concerns to prevent recurrence, support the school in addressing financial challenges, and promote overall improvement in financial health.