Goals and Academic Achievement Expectations | DC Scholars PCS
The District of Columbia Public Charter School Board (“DC PCSB”) announces an opportunity for the public to submit comment on a request submitted by DC Scholars Public Charter School (“DC Scholars PCS”) on December 2, 2015 to amend its goals and academic achievement expectations.
DC Scholars PCS is currently in its fourth year of operation serving students in grades prekindergarten-3 (“PK3”) through sixth. Per the school’s approved growth plan, DC Scholars PCS will continue to add a grade level each year until it reaches capacity in school year (“SY”) 2016-2017 serving students in grades PK3 through seventh. The school is requesting to amend its charter agreement to adopt the Performance Management Framework (“PMF”) as its goals and academic expectations beginning in SY 2015-2016.
Pursuant to the School Reform Act, D.C. Code 38-1802 et seq., a charter school must submit a petition to revise its charter, which includes its goals and academic expectations.