Goals and Academic Achievement Expectations - Eagle Academy PCS
The District of Columbia Public Charter School Board (“DC PCSB”) announces an opportunity for the public to submit comment on a request to amend its goals and academic achievement expectations by Eagle Academy Public Charter School (“Eagle Academy PCS”) on March 1, 2016.
Eagle Academy PCS has already adopted the Performance Management Framework (“PMF”) as its goals, but the school is petitioning the Board for a revision to the targets for charter renewal as per the Elect the Performance Management Framework as Goals Policy. As an early childhood program and with school year 2014-15’s Hold Harmless policy (in which schools were not scored or tiered), the first year that the school will receive a PMF score will be SY 2015-16. In the Elect the PMF as Goals Policy, the school would have to achieve a 55% on both the SY 2015-16 and SY 2016-17 PMF in order to meet the standard for charter renewal, which the school will undergo in SY 2017-18. As Eagle Academy PCS is the only early childhood school in this unique position, the school is requesting that it be given more time to reach the renewal standard. It is asking to revise the charter renewal standard for its charter agreement to state that it will meet a 50% in both SY 2015-16 and 2016-17. The school would agree to meet the standard for charter renewal at its 20-year charter review in SY 2022-23.
Pursuant to the School Reform Act, D.C. Code 38-1802 et seq., a charter school must submit a petition to revise its charter, which includes its goals and academic achievement expectations.