Hidden Gems: Schools With a Small or No Waitlist By Grade
Within the 11,861 individual students on the My School DC lottery waitlists to attend one or more PK-12 public charter schools in SY2019-20 are schools that have a small or no late waitlist at all. Below are the results of an analysis conducted by DC PCSB staff using data released by My School DC for available spaces at Tier 1 public charter schools.
Families interested in applying for one of the spaces should apply through My School DC. According to My School DC, families who missed the lottery application deadline of February 1, 2019 for grades 9-12, can submit a post-lottery application for those grades only beginning February 2, 2019. The post-lottery application expands to all grades (PK3-12) on March 2, 2019 for families who missed either of the application deadlines.
Additionally, families who applied through the lottery are able to add schools to their existing application by clicking on the “Add more schools” icon located in their My School DC family account. Post-lottery applicants are added to the bottom of schools’ waitlists below lottery applicants.
View the 2019-20 school year lottery results here: https://www.dcpcsb.org/evaluating/waitlist-data.
These schools have little to no waitlist based on the My School DC SY 2019-20 lottery results.