On June 19, many Black Americans across the country rejoice in celebration of Juneteenth (a portmanteau of June and nineteenth), but what makes the day so significant to the history of America?
The story of Juneteenth starts on “Freedom’s Eve,” or January 1, 1865. On that night, enslaved and free Black Americans gathered in churches and private homes across the country awaiting the life-altering news of the Emancipation Proclamation. As midnight arrived, all slaves in Confederate states were finally freed, but not everyone was immediately liberated.
While the Emancipation Proclamation unshackled many people, places still under Confederate control remained under the harsh reality of slavery. It wasn’t until two years later, June 19, 1865, when approximately 2,000 union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas to announce that more than 250,000 enslaved Black people were free by executive decree. This day became known as the observance we celebrate today, Juneteenth.
Celebrations of the holiday began the following year, and consisted of prayer meetings and singing. Celebrants also wore new clothing as a way of representing and symbolizing their newfound freedom. Within a few years, observances started to appear in other places around the country, making it an annual tradition.
As time passed, the ways in which Juneteenth was celebrated began to evolve. Today, prayer and religious services remain as common ways to celebrate. However, educational events, family gatherings, picnics, and festivals with food, music, and dancing serve as new, invigorating ways to observe the holiday.
Although these are common ways to celebrate, there are many different ways people honor the freedom of their ancestors. In the heart of the nation, what are residents of DC doing to observe such a vital holiday in America’s history?
Upcoming Events:
Date: Saturday, June 17
Time: 1-5 p.m.
Location: 1700 Good Hope Rd SE, Washington, DC, 20020
Bread for the City and Mema’s Popups have united for the second year in a row to celebrate with music, performances, and presentations while dining and shopping with many Black-owned businesses throughout the day. DC’s very own Chocolate City Soul will perform from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Juneteenth Freedom Celebration: Unity. Freedom. Acknowledgement.
Date: Monday, June 19
Time: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: 1901 Fort Place SE, Washington, DC 20020
Join the Anacostia Community Museum for a celebration with family, friends, and neighbors to reflect on a shared tradition and history. The event will feature local talent, interactive activities with the National Portrait Gallery, a double dutch competition, and more!
Date: Wednesday, June 21
Time: All day
Location: 900 Wesley Place SW, Washington, DC 20024
Kids can learn all about Juneteenth by completing a fun scavenger hunt filled with information about the holiday. As they explore, they’ll even be able to check out books about Juneteenth!
As time has passed, the evolution of our celebrations has changed. However, the core principles and reasons remain. Juneteenth is a celebration of liberation, a beacon of light emphasizing the freedom of Black Americans around the nation.