With More Rigorous and Measurable Goals, LAYC Career Academy PCS Will Remain Open
The DC Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) voted 6-1 to continue the charter of LAYC Career Academy PCS. The school will continue to operate under more rigorous and measurable goals.
Darren Woodruff, Chairman of the DC PCSB, made the following comments:
“Considering revoking any school’s charter is never an easy process, and this one was complicated by the multiple data considerations involved. Staff from both the school and from our Board put in considerable time analyzing and discussing the data to ensure that we have an accurate assessment of the school’s goal attainment.
“After weighing all the information in the record, I intend to vote against revoking the school’s charter at this time. However, I want to be clear, I do not believe the school has substantially achieved its goals as presented in their charter agreement, as amended, and I do believe there is much room for improvement in terms of student outcomes. And I think it’s critical I see that improvement. I’m exercising my discretion as a Board member in light of the positive impact we have observed, documented and heard about from the adult education community, and, in light of the fact that the school has agreed to a charter amendment that will implement a highly rigorous and measurable set of goals.
“With the proposed charter agreement amendment – jointly supported by the staff of DC PCSB and LAYCCA – I think we have made a major step toward rigorous and measurable goals for this school. Therefore, I support the conditions of continuance for LAYCCA and the goals the staffs have negotiated to measure this program.”
Read the staff’s memo to the Board here.
Watch the meeting here.
The DC Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) voted 6-1 to continue the charter of LAYC Career Academy PCS. The school will continue to operate under more rigorous and measurable goals.