National Teacher Appreciation Week: Jennifer Ramsey
Jennifer Ramsey is a third grade Science Teacher at KIPP DC Heights Academy. Her main goal is to fill her students to the top with wonder. The scientists in room 105 use inquiry-based methods to conduct experiments and engage in hands-on learning. Foundational science concepts are at the core of each lesson and students are expected to question, investigate, and explore daily.
Ms. Ramsey encourages students to prove what they know, or what they hypothesize, through measurable trials. She uses the school garden as an “outdoor classroom” and strives to develop lessons that help students build connections between the content and their world. One of the best ways for elementary scientists to create meaningful connections is by creating models and experiencing science.
Third grade scientists in Ms. Ramsey’s class tested the properties of light and constructed a tunnel to prove that light travels in rays. Fourth grade geologists conducted independent mineral research projects and spent time growing crystals and simulating fossil and geode formations. Her love of learning is contagious. Ms. Ramsey is known across campus for inspiring both students and teachers to reach their greatest potential.
Thank you for creating future scientists, Ms. Ramsey!
This week PCSB is highlighting public charter school teachers that work hard every day to prepare DC’s public charter school students for college and the workforce. From PK to adult education programs, public charter school teachers strive to increase the academic performance and school culture for their students
Jennifer Ramsey is a third grade Science Teacher at KIPP DC - Heights Academy PCS.