Notice of Petition to Amend Charter: Roots PCS – Revised Goals and Academic Achievement Expectations
Vote Date
The District of Columbia Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) announces an opportunity for the public to submit comment on a written request from Roots Public Charter School (Roots PCS) on February 7, 2022. The school requests to amend its charter agreement from its current goals and academic achievement expectations aligned to its kindergarten through grade 2 English Language Arts (ELA) negotiated charter goal. The proposal includes replacing their end of year ELA assessment to the Journey’s Continuum assessment in lieu of i-Ready and adopt new business rules that accompany its charter goal proposed change and academic achievement expectations (charter goals). Currently, Roots PCS is using the Journey’s curriculum for instruction and believes the Journey’s Continuum assessment will improve their end of year test results. The school seeks permission to begin making these adjustments in school year (SY) 2022-23.
Due Date