Notice of Public Hearing on Facility – Goodwill Excel PCS
The District of Columbia Public Charter School Board (“PCSB”) announces an opportunity for public to comment on the proposed facility location submitted by The Goodwill Excel Center Public Charter School (“GEC PCS”) at 1776 G St, NW, Washington, DC 20006.
GEC PCS applied for a charter and was conditionally approved by PCSB on May 18, 2015. Pending it’s full charter approval, GEC PCS will open in SY ’16-’17 and will provide adult learners with an academic program that yields a high school diploma. The first of its kind in the District, GEC PCS will fill the gap between traditional high school programs and adult education programs that result in a GED. Building upon a proven model already serving over 3,000 students nationally, GEC seeks to further expand Goodwill of Greater Washington’s (“GGW”) proven record of providing training and academic support to otherwise disengaged adults who have minimal prospects for economic independence in the District due to low academic skills and insufficient job training.