Office of Unified Communications Training, CPR, and Modernization Amendment Act of 2015
June 30, 2015
Office of Unified Communications Training, CPR, and Modernization Amendment Act of 2015
Sponsor(s): Councilmembers McDuffie and Nadeau
Status: Attached to Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Support Act of 2016. Passed.
Date Introduced: 6/30/15
Hearing Date: 10/1/15
- Requires that the Office of Unified Communications (OUC) provide training for all employees and establish a required amount of minimum hours for annual training and certification for the position of public safety communications training officer and public safety telecommunicator, in accordance with standards established by a national public safety association.
- Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department must conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and emergency medical application training for District residents and employees.
- Requires each school to maintain a written record of the periodic testing, inspection, and maintenance of each AED and of the successful completion of a CPR and AED program by a specified employee.
- Requires that at least one individual trained in a CPR and AED program be present during the school's hours of operation and during any athletic activity
- Establishes procedures for responding to a medical emergency involving cardiac arrest, including the appropriate use of CPR and an AED including having at least one AED on-site at the school;
- Requires at least one AED readily available at each athletic activity at the school;
- Mandates that schools have a schedule of maintenance established for each AED that is in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.
- Ensures that each AED at the school is appropriate for use on children and adults;
- Requires the following individuals successfully complete a CPR and AED program; provided, that individuals newly hired for one of these positions shall be required to successfully complete a CPR and AED program within 30 days of their hire date:
- "(A) Each athletic coach, coaching assistant, and athletic trainer;
- "(B) The athletic director;
- "(C) The team or game physician;
- "(D) Each school nurse; and
- "(E) Every expected AED user employed by the school, as designated by the Principal
- Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be included in at least one health class necessary for graduation.
- Schools may offer the instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation directly or arrange for the instruction to be provided by available community-based providers. The instruction is not required to be provided by a certificated teacher. Certificated teachers providing the instruction are not required to be certified trainers of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A student is not required to earn certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to successfully complete the instruction.