Our Commitment to School Budgeting and Transparency
The DC Public Charter School Board released the following statement today regarding “The School-based Budgeting and Transparency Amendment Act” introduced by Education Committee Chairman David Grosso:
“We support a transparent and open government which is why we support the purpose of the legislation. We’re committed to working with members of the DC Council in a collaborative process that finds solutions for students and families.”
The DC Public Charter School Board has long been committed to providing parents, students and the public with detailed information about public charter schools. That’s why we have 96,000 pages on our website of detailed information about every single public charter school in the District. In addition, information about public charter schools is currently available through FOIA to DC PCSB. More information is available on the Transparency Hub [link].
Moreover, DC PCSB approved its School Transparency policy last month that will improve accessibility of information of DC public charter school families and other stakeholders. In addition to the numerous documents already available, schools will make the following information available:
- Charter school board of trustees meeting calendar, including a notation of which meetings are open to the public, in full or in part
- Approved board meeting minutes
- Student/ Family Policies, which must include policies around: 1. Schools currently submit documents to Epicenter based on what is listed on DC PCSB’s Annual Compliance Calendar, 2. a. Discipline, b. Attendance, c. Grievance Procedures, d. Non-Discrimination, e. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice
- Open Meetings Policy
- Employee Policies, which must include board-approved policies around compliance with applicable employment law, including: a. Sexual harassment, b. Equal opportunity, c. Drug-free workplace, d. Staff complaint resolution process, and e. Whistleblower
- Current salaries of the five most highly-compensated individuals in the organization, if over $100,000
- Description of at-risk funding plans
- Contact information for the following school staff: Title IX coordinator, McKinney-Vento Homeless coordinator; Special Education point of contact
- Lottery procedures (schools not participating in My School DC)
- Student application (schools not participating in My School DC)
- Student enrollment form(s)
- Names of all school board members, and contact information for, at a minimum, the Chair and Vice Chair (a general email address, e.g. board at org, is acceptable)
The DC Public Charter School Board has long been committed to providing parents, students and the public with detailed information about public charter schools.