Paul PCS Celebrates National Charter Schools Week
This week, May 4 – 10, marks National Charter Schools Week. Students, parents, teachers, and communities across the state are celebrating the many successes of public charter schools. In addition to President Obama's proclamation and celebrations at the US Capitol, Paul PCS will host an event tomorrow May 8 at 5:15 p.m. at the school located at 5800 8th Street, NW.
Paul PCS, a high performing public charter school, is set to host "My Brother's Keeper...Responding to the Call". The event follows President Obama’s launch of a new White House initiative focused on boys and young men of color. The purpose of the event is to engage in meaningful dialogue that brings forth real solutions to help alleviate issues facing young boys of color in the District of Columbia.
Paul PCS believes in educating all of our young boys of color through middle and high school in order to prepare them to go to and through college. Paul PCS strives to continue the discourse on this issue. We hope you will join the conversation to address the prevailing issues facing young boys of color in the District of Columbia.
Equal access to a quality education is the civil rights issue of our time. A staggering and disproportionate number of African-American and Hispanic boys are reading below grade level, involved in the criminal justice system, and become victims of murder. Along with President Obama, Paul PCS aims to improve the odds of success for our boys of color. Paul PCS, nestled in Northwest Washington, DC, serves a student population comprised of 85% African Americans and 14% Latino (1% white, Asian, West African, and Caribbean). Seventy-one percent of the student body qualifies for free or reduced meals.
“I applaud the President for boldly launching such a significant initiative. Now it’s our turn to respond and create change. Not only are our boys depending on us, but the success of an entire generation is also at stake. I hope this event will incite and galvanize an energized body of individuals that will urgently tackle this issue until we see transformation,” said Jami Dunham, CEO at Paul PCS
About Paul PCS
Paul Public Charter School is located in Northwest Washington, DC, serving students in grades 6 through 10 and is the home of the M.E.R.I.T. scholars (motivated, educated, responsible, independent thinkers). Paul PCS was founded in 2000 by educational trailblazer Cecile Middleton and is currently in its fourteenth year of operation. The mission of Paul Public Charter School is to educate its students and to develop in them the capacity to be responsible citizens, independent thinkers and leaders. Throughout its years of operation, Paul PCS scholars have continued to outperform their counterparts on state assessments (based on state average). Paul International High School will complete expansion by fall 2015. For more information about Paul Public Charter School, please visit us at
This week, May 4 – 10, marks National Charter Schools Week. Students, parents, teachers, and communities across the state are celebrating the many successes of public charter schools.