PMF Data Collection and Validation Timelines
2018-19 PMF Data Collection and Validation Timeline
All dates are subject to change. Final dates will be posted in Wednesday Bulletin announcements.
The Hub is the main resource for DC PCSB data collection and validation! Here are basic instructions to access the Hub. Here are basic instructions for resetting your Hub password. Please see "Hub Training and Instructional Documents" from the Hub homepage for additional Hub information. For additional guidance on using the Hub and managing your school's data, please see our DC PCSB Data Manager Training materials.
All PMF collection and validation details are accessible from the Hub's PMF Dashboard. The PMF Dashboard is located on your Hub homepage. Here is an overview on how to download and upload data and documents in the PMF Dashboard.
2018-19 PMF Data Collection and Validation Timeline
Task Name |
Phase |
Platform |
Instructions |
Opens |
Closes |
Early Childhood Assessments Validation | Validation | Hub | Link | May 15 | May 29 |
Annual School Contacts Update (All Schools) | Collection | Hub | May 21 | July 8 | |
High School Roster |
Review Validation |
Review - Hub Validation - Qlik |
NA | May 27 | June 7 |
Early Childhood (PK-2) Data Collection | Collection | Hub | Link | June 3 | June 26 |
Adult Education (Cohort 1) Roster | Confirmation | Hub | Link | June 4 | June 25 |
9th Grade on Track Collection | Collection | Hub | June 17 | June 27 | |
High School-Specific Measure Collection (ACT, PSAT, IB, Dual Enrollment, CTE, College Acceptance) | Collection | Hub | June 26 | July 25 | |
Adult Education (Cohort 1) Data Collection | Collection | Hub | Link | July 8 | July 25 |
9th Grade on Track Summer School Collection | Collection | Hub | Link | August 1 | August 12 |
Adult Education (Cohort 2) Roster | Confirmation | Hub | Link | August 5 | August 22 |
Adult Education (Cohort 1) Data Validation (Part I) | Validation | Hub | August 6 | August 22 | |
PK-8 & HS Student Achievement, PK-8 Gateway and Early Childhood Assessments, CLASS | Validation | Hub | August 20 | August 29 | |
Update Note from the School |
Revision Validation |
Hub | September 3 | September 18 | |
High School-Specific Measure Validation (9th Grade on Track, PSAT, College Acceptance, MGP) | Validation | Hub | September 3 | September 18 | |
PK-8 and HS MGP and Re-enrollment Validation | Validation | Hub | Link | September 9 | September 20 |
PK-8 and HS In-Seat Attendance Validation | Validation | Hub | Link | September 16 | September 20 |
High School-Specific Measure Validation (SAT/ACT, AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/CTE, ACGR) | Validation | Hub | September 27 | October 10 | |
Adult Education (Cohort 2) Data Collection | Collection | Hub | Link | September 3 | September 18 |
Adult Education (Cohorts 1 & 2) Data Validation | Validation | Hub | September 30 | October 16 |
Closed Windows in the 2016-17 PMF Data Collection and Validation Timeline
Measure |
Phase |
Platform |
Instructions |
Opens |
Closes |
Re-enrollment (PK3-12 PMF Only)
Collection | Hub | Text | April 3 | May 3 |
Re-enrollment Document Review by DC PCSB | Review | NA | NA | May 4 | June 10 |
High School Roster | Review | Qlik |
NA |
May 15 | May 24 |
Early Childhood (PK3-2) | Data Collection | Hub | Text | June 5 | June 28 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 1) | Roster Confirmation | Hub | In Hub | June 5 | June 29 |
High School 9th Grade on Track | Data Collection | Hub | In Hub | June 16 | June 29 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 1) | Data Collection | Hub | Coming Soon | July 6 | July 20 |
High School 9th Grade on Track | On-Site Verification | School Visit | Via Email | July 5 | July 24 |
Annual Survey (All Schools) | Information Collection | Hub | Home Page, Click on "Annual Survey" | June 19 | July 26 |
High School Specific Measures (e.g., PSAT, AP/IB/Dual Enrollment, etc.) | Data Collection | Hub | Text | June 28 | July 27 |
Early Childhood Data Audtis | On-Site Verfication | School Visit/Desk Audit | Via Email | July 5 | August 10 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 1) | On-Site Verification | School Visit | Via Email | July 26 | August 7 |
High School 9th Grade on Track (Summer School Transcripts) | Data Collection | Hub | Via Email | August 1 | August 8 |
Early Childhood Data Validation | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | August 2 | August 15 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 1) | Data Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | August 8 | August 21 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 2) | Roster Confirmation | Hub | Via Email | August 8 |
August 28 |
PARCC Data | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | August 23 | September 6 |
High School Specific Measures (e.g., PSAT, AP/IB/Dual Enrollment, etc.) | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | August 28 | September 13 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 2) | Data Collection | Hub | Via Email | August 29 | September 21 |
Attendance Rates | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | September 13 | September27 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 2) | On-Site Verification | School Visit | Via Email | September 14 | September 27 |
Adult Education Measures (Cohort 1) | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | September 20 | October 12 |
High School 4 and 5-year ACGR | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | October 5 | October 17 |
Adult Education (Cohort 2) | Data Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | October 5 | October 12 |
MGP Rates (Grades 4-8) | Validation | Hub | PMF Scorecard | October 6 | October 19 |
All Schools Scorecard Final Review | Scorecard Valiation | Via Email | Via Email | October 25 | November 1 |
All Schools Scorecard Public Release | Public Release | DC PCSB Website | NA | November 8 | NA |
Closed Windows in the 2015-16 PMF Data Collection and Validation Timeline
Measure |
Phase |
Platform |
Instructions |
Opens |
Closes |
Re-enrollment (PK3 - 12) - PMF Only
Collection | FTP | Text | March 21 | April 22 |
Re-enrollment Document Review by DC PCSB | Review | FTP | NA | May 1 | May 30 |
High School Roster | Validation | FTP | May 11 | May 24 |
OSSE's Student Demographic and Enrollment Verification (All schools) | Validation | OSSE's sFTP | Text | May 16 | June 15 |
Early Childhood Data (PK-2) | Collection | FTP | Text | June 6 | June 30 |
High School 9th Grade on Track | Collection | FTP | Text | June 13 | June 24 |
Re-enrollment Document Review by Schools | Review | FTP | Review | June 15 | June 30 |
Attendance, Discipline, and Enrollment (All Schools) | Last Day for Changes | School's SIS/QLIK | Text | N/A | July 8 |
Adult Ed Measures (Cohort 1 Schools) | Collection | FTP | In the file | June 29 | July 12 |
Attendance, Discipline, and Enrollment (All Schools) | Validation | QLIK | Text (coming soon) | July 9 | July 15 |
High School Specific Measures (e.g., PSAT, AP/IB/dual enrollment, etc.) | Collection | FTP | Text | June 20 | July 22 |
High School 9th Grade on Track | On-Site Verfication | Visit to the school | Via Email | July 5 | July 22 |
School Contact List and Profile Information | Update and Validation | Hub | In Hub | July 11 | August 5 |
Early Childhood Data Audit | On-Site Verification | Visits to Select Schools | Via Email | July 13 | August 12 |
Adult Ed Measures (Cohort 1 Schools) | On-Site Verfication | Visit to the school | Via Email | July 14 | July 27 |
Schools Verify PARCC Data with OSSE (released in August) | Verification | OSSE (TBD) | N/A | mid-July | late-July |
High School 9th Grade on Track (Summer School Transcripts) | Collection | FTP | Via email after 9th grade audit | August 1 | August 5 |
Early Chidhood Data Validation |
Validation | Hub | In Hub | August 1 | August 19 |
Re-enrollment Validation | Validation | Hub | In Hub | August 1 | August 19 |
High School Specific Measures (e.g., 9th grade on track, PSAT, AP/IB/dual enrollment, etc.) | Validation | Hub | "Validating Academic Measures" in the Hub | August 22 | September 2 |
Adult Ed Measures (Cohort 2 Schools) | Collection | FTP | In the spreadsheet loaded in FTP | August 29 | September 9 |
Schools Verify PARCC Data and Attendance in Hub is accurate with OSSE's data | Posted in Hub | Hub | N/A | September 6 |
September 15
MGP | Verification | Hub | N/A | September 6 | September 15 |
PMF Profile Page Review | Validation | Submit changes in Data Tickets | September 27 | October 6 | |
PK-8 PMF Scorecard Final Review | Validation | Via Email | September 27 | October 6 |
PK - 8 PMF Scorecard Release | NA | DC PCSB's Website | NA | Week of October 10 | NA |
Adult Ed Measures (Cohort 2 Schools) | Validation | Hub | Validating Academic Data in the Hub under Hub Training and Instructional Documents | October 5 | October 14 |
High School 4 and 5-year ACGR | Validation | Hub | NA | October 3 | Ocotober 12 |
High School and Alternative Framework Scorecard Review | Validation | via Email | via Email | October 18 | October 27 |
Adult Education Scorecard Review | Validation | via Email | via Email | October 25 | November 3 |
High School and Alternative Framework Scorecard Release | NA | DC PCSB's Website | NA | Week of October 31 | NA |
Adult Education Scorecard Release | NA | DC PCSB's Website | NA | Week of November 7 | NA |
20 Years of Quality Public Charter Schools event | Celebration | November 20, 6:30 p.m. |
Data Policies
Find details and resources below for collecting PMF data and timeline for validating data