Strengthening Transparency and Open Access to Government Amendment Act of 2016
January 19, 2016
Strengthening Transparency and Open Access to Government Amendment Act of 2016
Sponsor(s): Councilmembers Grosso and Cheh
Status: Referred to Committee on Judiciary
Date Introduced: 1/19/16
Hearing Date: N/A
- Establishes the Open Government Office as the body to resolve appeals regarding Freedom of Information Act requests.
- Expands the definition of a reasonable search by a public body.
- Requires the development of a web portal for the public to access certain information that should be maintained by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer.
- Establishes criteria under which the furnishing of public records shall be without charge.
- Extends the amount of time a public body has to respond to a FOIA request.
- Creates uniform procedures for processing and tracking requests for public records.