There are 9,703 individual students on waitlists to attend one or more PK-12 public charter schools in the 2017-18 school year, an 12.3% increase over last year’s 8,640 students. In total 23,448 students are on a waitlist at any PK-12 school, this is an increase from 20,880 last year.
The Demand
- The greatest demand continues to be in grades pre-kindergarten (ages 3 and 4) and kindergarten, with waitlists across public charter schools totaling 12,143, an increase of 841 over last year. Since many students are on multiple waiting lists, the total represents an unknown number of duplicates.
- Most applicants on waitlists (about 60%) are waiting for a spot at a Tier 1 public charter school.
- Twelve public charter schools have waitlists that are at least twice as long as current enrollment; most of these schools offer language immersion, Montessori, or expeditionary learning programs
Click this link for SY17-18 waitlists.
- Waitlist results can be filtered by grade and campus program (campus program could be a particular langauge program offered within a campus, for example).
- SY17-18 waitlists are current as of March 31st, 2017. For the most current information on waitlist lengths, please contact schools directly.
- My School DC will be posting the number of open seats available by May 1st, 2017.
There are 9,703 individual students on waitlists to attend one or more PK-12 public charter schools in the 2017-18 school year, an 12.3% increase over last year’s 8,640 students. In total 23,448 students are on a waitlist at any PK-12 school, this is an increase from 20,880 last year.