Three of DC's Public Charter Schools Welcome Visitors from Shanghai
This summer, Forte International, an organization facilitating governmental exchanges between the United States and China, hosted a group of delegates from the Shanghai Jingan District Education Bureau in Washington DC. While in the city, the delegates visited several schools and educational facilities; including three public charter schools. The group visited with school leaders, visited the classrooms, and learned more about the ways in which public charter schools are employing technology to customize learning for students in public schools and exchange ideas on development of technology in education.
The three schools (Harmony PCS, Friendship Tech Prep PCS, and Eagle Academy PCS) all utilize technology in the classroom, effectively promote S.T.E.M. Education, and work hard to ensure students who are interested in S.T.E.M. have outlets to hone their crafts and skills.
This summer, Forte International, an organization facilitating governmental exchanges between the United States and China, hosted a group of delegates from the Shanghai Jingan District Education Bureau in Washington DC.