Unprecedented Times, Unprecedented Authorizing: Distance Learning and Graduation for High Schoolers
As public charter high school students begin week seven of distance learning, their ‘new normal’ continues to shift.
Virtual learning for public charter high schoolers has a common theme: materials are provided to students through Zoom, Google Classroom, Canvas, and other similar platforms. Students are expected to complete and turn in assignments daily.
At the District of Columbia International High School (DCI), students monitor their emails for assignments, attend classes specific to the day, and complete any assignments or classwork as assigned. Families of the seniors are now receiving emails around college-related transition and graduation information. See DCI’s distance learning schedule, expectations, and morehere. Similar to DCI, educators at Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS (TMA), and Washington Leadership Academy PCS (WLA) are sharing student assignments and instructions on Google Classroom.
As a part of high school graduation requirements, educators work with students to ensure that they’re college or career ready upon completion. Some students take Advanced Placement (AP) courses to get a feel for intro-level college classes and can receive college credits if they pass the AP exam. Fortunately, students are still able to take their 2020 AP exams online (source). The test will be 45 minutes, much shorter than the average two to three-hour exam and it will be open book and open note for students.
Class of 2020
Graduating from high is among one of life’s greatest milestones. Through a DC PCSB survey to high school leaders, results show that most schools have not yet decided to cancel, postpone, or move forward with having a graduation ceremony. We will share information about the graduates and ceremonies in a future blog.
Moreover, maintaining the senior year experience is important. Here is how one school is keeping a sense of community for seniors virtually:
Like graduation, students and teachers at Friendship PCS - Technology Prep and Friendship PCS – Collegiate Academy cannot be together physically to fulfill a tradition: College Signing Day. But despite social distancing rules, educators have found a way to complete the tradition. On May 1, both campuses will host a virtual College Signing Day where families can connect virtually to celebrate the class of 2020’s accomplishments. The virtual signing day will include graduates heartfelt videos, testimonials, and college acceptance announcements. Other schools participating in a virtual College Signing Day include Cesar Chavez PCS for Public Policy – Parkside High School and DCI.
Learn more about each school’s distance learning plan below:
- Capital City PCS (all campuses) Distance Learning
- District of Columbia International High School Distance Learning
- E.L. Haynes PCS Distance Learning
- Friendship PCS Distance Learning (all Campuses)
- IDEA PCS Distance Learning
- KIPP DC (all Campuses) Distance Learning
- National Collegiate Preparatory PCS Distance Learning
- Paul PCS – International School Distance Learning
- Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS Distance Learning
- Washington Latin PCS Distance Learning
- Washington Leadership Academy PCS Distance Learning