DC PCSB Expands Translation Efforts
One of the priorities in our Strategic Roadmap focuses on enduring partnerships. This means we want to strengthen the dialogue between families, school communities, and DC residents to create a shared understanding of our work (as the authorizer), solicit feedback, and develop new partnerships.
To achieve this priority, DC PCSB will engage with families that speak languages other than English by making more translated documents readily available, such as our review and renewal reports. This ensures that all families can learn about the role and quality of public charter schools. Additionally, families will be able to effectively engage with the Board at board meetings. The Board discusses various matters related to public charter schools at the monthly board meetings. Prior to the meeting, we provide translated Board meeting agendas in Spanish and Amharic.
We will continue to distribute our Guide to Public Charter Schools in six different languages: Spanish, French, Amharic, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese to ensure families are able to learn about all the quality public charter school options available in the District.
Additionally, we launched an automated translation button on our website, allowing families to select their preferred language, to read and explore the resources. This converts all information on the site [not including attachments] to better accommodate families. Read more on our home page here.
Looking ahead, our goal is to ensure that every family can access the information they need to stay informed about public charter schools.