Direct all requests for interviews with the Executive Director, members of the Board or staff to Tomeika Bowden at [email protected].
Speaking Requests or School Visits
Direct all requests to visit a school or for a representative of the Board to speak at an event to Tomeika Bowden at [email protected].
Public Meetings
The DC Public Charter School Board holds monthly public meetings to discuss various issues related to public charter schools. The public and media are welcomed to attend. The location and time of the meetings are available, clicking here.
Washington, DC - Today, Executive Director Dr. Michelle Walker-Davis and Board Chair Rick Cruz released the following statement about the decision of Hanseul Kang, the DC State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), to step down in October:
Today, DC PCSB released its annual, comprehensive assessment of the finances and operations of each individual public charter school. Called the Financial Analysis Report (FAR), analyzes and summarizes the information in these audits to produce the FAR that presents consistent a