The School Reform Act (SRA) grants DC PCSB authority to hold DC public charter schools (PCSs) accountable for fulfilling their duties and obligations under the SRA. DC PCSB has created the Performance Management Framework (PMF) to hold schools serving similar grades to the same set of standards. The Performance Management Framework Policy & Technical Guide (PMF Guide) outlines DC PCSB’s process of evaluating and publicly reporting the performance of the public charter schools under its authority. It was created so that school leaders, data managers, families, and other stakeholders would understand how each PMF score was calculated, which measures are used, and how these measures are weighed to form a score.
This policy describes the preferences in admission that public charter schools may give to applicants. The policy applies to all schools, including those participating in My School DC, the citywide common lottery system.
Public charter schools are required to comply with the DC School Reform Act of 1995 (SRA) and with the provisions of their charter agreement in admitting students for enrollment. This policy provides guidance for schools to comply with those requirements.
Congress opened the door for public charter school in the nation’s capital when it passed the DC School Reform Act of 1995 and all public charter schools in the District of Columbia are authorized under the DC Code. The DC Public Charter School Board is an independent body governed by the School Reform Act, which is codified in Title 38, Subtitle IV, Chapter 18. View the DC Code.