The District of Columbia Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) seeks proposals from independent certified public accountants or accounting firms to be selected for an Approved Auditor List (AAL). Pursuant to the DC School Reform Act (SRA), D.C. Code 38-1802.04(11)(B)(ix)(2001) as amended, each DC public charter school (PCS) is accountable for its use of public and private funding through an annual audit conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. The SRA further requires that each PCS’ annual financial audit be performed by an auditor on an approved list developed by a committee (the Auditor Review Committee) consisting of representatives from DC PCSB, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), and the District of Columbia Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO). As such, each PCS will be required to select an auditor from the AAL to fulfill its requirement of an annual financial compliance audit for fiscal year 2021.
Testimony of Dr. Michelle Walker-Davis Executive Director DC Public Charter School Board Public Hearing on Student Learning Loss: Widening the Achievement Gap During the COVID-19 Pandemic
When a parent or community member reaches out to the DC Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) with a complaint against a school, the primary goal is to ensure that the school has (a) followed its complaint process in order to address the parent’s concern (See D.C. Code § 38- 1802.04(c)(13)); (b) is in compliance with its charter and charter agreement, and (c) has not violated any applicable laws.
Hearing on the Expanding Equitable Access to Great Schools Act of 2020; the Child Enrollment Preference Amendment Act of 2020; and the African American and Cultural Studies Inclusion Amendment Act of 2020
Committee of the Whole and the Committee on Education
Schools may choose to replace their charter goals and student academic achievement expectations with the Performance Management Framework(s), as amended over time, for the grade levels they serve. Upon a school’s request, review and renewal language and an improvement clause will be added to its charter as an amendment, which will be approved by DC PCSB's Board.