School Leader Resources

Financial Oversight
We review financial information to see how well schools balance their checkbooks. High-performing schools ensure they have sufficient finances for the year plus any contingencies. In cases of low-rated schools, the Board works closely with a school's leadership for an improvement plan that ensures solvency.

Annual Compliance Reporting
These resources will guide your LEA through the Annual Compliance Reporting Process.

Review and Renewal Toolkit
In collaboration with the DC Public Charter School Board, FOCUS prepared a toolkit to support schools during the review and renewal process. This toolkit outlines the process, ways to determine if your school is on track to achieve the goals outlined in their charter agreement, and what to do or expect if your school is not on track to achieve its goals. This toolkit should be seen as a roadmap for schools and throughout the toolkit you will find tips from FOCUS.

DC PCSB Policies
These policies, approved by the DC Public Charter School Board, govern DC's public charter local education agencies or LEAs.

High School Resources
The High School Resource page is designed to provide high school staff, high school students, and families transparency into DC PCSB’s policies and processes regarding high school course offerings and graduation.

Performance Management Framework
Learn about DC PCSB’s tool, the Performance Management Framework or PMF, that is used to produce our annual School Quality Report.

School Safety and Security Resources
Keeping students safe is the school's number one priority. The resources are designed to improve school safety and security.

School Health & Wellness Resources
Resources generated from DC PCSB, OSSE, DC Health, and non-profit organizations to support schools with their health, wellness, and sexual education programs.

Resources for Special Student Populations
There are a variety of special student populations, including students with disabilities and English language learners. View resources public charter schools should use to support these students.

LGBTQIA+ Resources
Title IX protects all students, including transgender and gender-nonconforming students, from sex discrimination. Also, learn about best practices schools can use in creating an LGBTQIA+ inclusive school climate.

General Resources
Resources created by DC PCSB, charter support organizations or OSSE to help public charter schools operate successful schools.

Resources for Newly Approved Schools
The Planning Year Playbook provides conditionally-approved schools with the knowledge, resources, and experiences of past new school leaders to have a successful school opening.

Archived Charter Applications
Each year, DC PCSB accepts applications to open new schools from a variety of applicants, including groups of individuals; private, public, or quasi-public entities; institutions of higher education; and experienced operators of existing public charter schools outside DC.

Preventing Sexual Abuse Resources
It is our hope these resources will provide a strong foundation for schools to build upon.

Charter Sector Data
In developing a strong portfolio of schools, we make as much data available to the public as possible and set tough but attainable accountability targets and standards for schools.

Understanding the Charter Amendment Process
Learn about the charter agreement process, complete an application, and read LEA Charter Agreements.

School Public Relations Communication
These resources were compiled to provide schools with the tools they need to effectively communicate with students, families, and community members.